CEO Services


The responsibilities of a CEO of a large enterprise can vary depending on the specific company, however they generally include setting the overall strategy and direction of the company; representing the company to shareholders, the board of directors, and other stakeholders; building and managing the senior leadership team; approving major business partnerships and acquisitions; communicating and engaging the company’s mission and vision to employees and other stakeholders; and being the public face of the company and representing it in the media and public events.

Enterprise Architecture services support the CEOs goals and objectives.

Business Strategy Execution Plan

An enterprise architect helps a CEO and leadership team by bridging the strategy execution to the company’s strategic plan. By facilitating and/or engaging in the prioritization and unification with the line of business (LoB) stakeholders on a common roadmap to achieve the desired vision, goals and objectives.

Business Performance

In collaboration with stakeholders, the enterprise architect can identify areas of weakness or opportunities to improve performance and efficiency, while aligning LoB & technology strategies with the overall business strategy.

Risk Management

Identifying potential risks to the company’s portfolio of programs, associated systems, information, security, and culture change to develop mitigation plans to minimize the impact of prioritized risks.

Decision Support

Provide data-driven insights and recommendations to the CEO on strategic and tactical topics to make informed decisions.


Informing the CEO and leadership team on new trends and innovations to incorporate into the corporate strategy to stay ahead of the competition. This also considers the culture shift required to engage leadership and employees to embrace a new way of working.

Talent Management

Enterprise architects can help identify the roles and capabilities needed to achieve the company’s goals, and by developing and implementing programs to attract, develop, and retain top talent within the company. Since a CEO needs to know the key roles to ensure a smooth operation while planning for the future.

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